Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hella Cool!

Tomorrow at the ass-crack of dawn I get on a plane for sunny Denver CO (as it happens, it's a hellavu warmer there than it is here today), then I'm southbound to Manitou to meet the rest of the Manitards for Happy Hour.

Wanker is doing the planning. Hope I don't die.

Friday brownie, $100 and yours truly head for Salida, AFTER I get my green chile fix at Purple Castle... Yea! Moonlight Pizza!

Marathon Saturday, where the halfway point is actually in a ghost town, then MOPP hash pub crawl in downtown Salida. Yea! Moonlight Pizza!

Sunday - Kimchi 150th hash and Green Dress Run in Old Colorado Springs.

Monday - MORE Purple Castle then headed North to Fort Fun to see my family for a couple of days.

Better go pack the good liver...


  1. Woohoo!

    You have downtown Colorado Springs mixed up with Old Colorado City. Or downtown's other name - Old and Desperate Colorado Springs.

  2. Hurry up and move your ass up here!
